Articles by Yinon Arieli

Is VOYA going to be acquired?

After the company streamlined the business and focused only on the lucrative money management activities, it’s not surprising that it popped over the radar of potential buyers. There is a wide range of financial companies…

Why CONE and EAF were down today?

CyrusOne was hit by a ransomware attack One of the data centers of CyrusOne has suffered a ransomware attack. CyrusOne is currently working with law enforcement and forensics firms to investigate the attack and is…

Garrett Motion files a lawsuit against Honeywell

Garret Motion is suing its former parent company, Honeywell International, for a liability imposed on it for workers’ compensation claims previously exposed to asbestos in the parent company plants. At the time of separation, Garrett…

Sell RVI and collect the dividend

As I informed you a few weeks ago, today I sold RVI at an average price of $35.9 as the stock has reached its fair price. Remember that anyone who held the stock today will…